ACLA  Landscape Architects & Designers


Tel:01672 810516




A b o u t  A C L A

ACLA is managed by Anthony Clarkson (BA Hons Dip. LA) who has worked for a number of award winning landscape consultancies across the south of England before establishing ACLA over 10 years ago. Since then, ACLA has worked on a wide variety of projects across the UK for private clients, developers, planning consultants, architects & various companies. We work very closely with other environmental specialist to provide a positive outcome for the client and the environment.

Much or our current work is focussed on the south of England and in particular more sensitive site in the National Landscapes (formally AONB), Green Belts and National Parks. Our current work includes varied housing, commercial developments of all sizes in Dorset, Hampshire, Wiltshire, Berkshire and Oxfordshire. 

We also spend much of out time addressing landscape related planning issues and satisfying planning conditions for large and small projects across the UK.      

Masterplans & Site Layouts

ACLA has prepared numerous master plans & site layouts for developers, private clients & others over the last couple of decades, including rural & urban housing layouts, parks, quarries, commercial developments, infrastructure projects &  large & small scale private housing  across the UK. These schemes are varied: ranging from rural developments in Cornwall, Norfolk, Wales & most of the home counties, as well as urban developments in central London Birmingham & towns, cities & villages across the UK.    

Landscape & Visual Impact Assessments

We have prepared over 200 Landscape & Visual Impact Assessments (LVIA) as part of planning applications for numerous and varied developments across the UK. These include major housing developments, solar farms, private housing & commercial developments. Many being located in or adjacent to sensitive rural landscapes such as AONBs, National Parks & Green Belts or in the setting of Listed Buildings or Ancient Monuments 

Detailed Site Plans

Detailed site plans, including hard and soft landscape details & planting plans have been prepared for developments across the UK. These include detailed site plans, tree protection, levels, planting details, schedules & notes usually required to ensure the designs are to a level acceptable to ensure the local authority approves planning applications. 


We prepare detailed hard and soft landscape plans and reports as part of planning applications and to address planning conditions across the UK. We also specialise is planning appeals & negotiations with the local planning authorities to address landscape related issues or find a satisfactory outcome on planning application which have landscape related planning issues.

Play & Public Spaces

 We have designed play areas & public & private spaces around the UK including Oxfordshire, Hampshire,  Berkshire and Dorset.  These include planning application through to detailed designs for parks and recreational spaces in rural and urban areas.


We also prepare graphics for public presentation such as promotional material for developments as well as photomontages & other related graphics. 
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